Available names disclaimer

The domain names listed under “Available Names” are part of the byproduct of our domain name research process. They are available for registration at the Registrar of your choice, at the Registrar’s registration fee. Some of those may have been set by the Registrar as a Premium listing. As time goes by, some of them may be registered and become unavailable. So the information at the page “Available Names” will become obsolete and out of date. The fact that a domain name is posted on that page is in no way an indication of it’s value or worth. We hold no responsibility nor will be accountable for any loss you may incur because of the information posted on that page. All those names are for informational purposes only and should only be regarded as such.
Your are the sole responsible to check each name’s possible trademark issues or infringements, prior to registration.
Should you choose to follow the links at the “Available Names” page (clicking the Domain Name button itself), you will be taken directly to the registrar’s website (in a new page) where the availability of the domain name will be checked and, if the domain name is still available, you will be able to register it. Following those links helps support this website and the posting of further available domain names.

The appraisals are obtained through any of the available online automated domain name appraisal services. The appraisals are based on algorithms that use various data in order to help estimate the estimated selling price of the domains. However, we do not provide any guarantees or make any promises regarding the results that may be obtained from your purchase or sale of a domain and this feature does not constitute any order or offer to purchase a domain. The user is responsible for independently evaluating and determining the value of any domain that he can buy or sell. We will not be responsible for any losses that the user or other person suffers as a result of relying on the appraisals, which includes not being responsible for any loss of profit, loss of business opportunity or loss of capital through an overpayment or a sale at too low a price, as well as for any indirect, special or consequential loss.

There is no established frequency for posting new available domain names. The best way to make sure you get to know them first and get a better chance of registering any of those domain names is to check back here often.

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